Phenomenal English

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5000 Three Forms of Verb

Forms of Verb starting with Letter S
S.No Base Form or 1st Form or Present or Infinitive Urdu Meaning Past Form or 2nd Form Past Participle or 3rd Form Third Person Singular or S/ES Form Progressive Form or ing Form or Present Participle
3858 Sabotage تخریب کاری کرنا Sabotaged Sabotaged Sabotages Sabotaging
3859 Sack تھلیوں میں بھرنا/تباہ کرنا Sacked Sacked Sacks Sacking
3860 Sacrifice قربان کرنا Sacrificed Sacrificed Sacrifices Sacrificing
3861 Sadden غم میں مبتلا کرنا Saddened Saddened Saddens Saddening
3862 Saddle ذمہ داری ڈالنا Saddled Saddled Saddles Saddling
3863 Safeguard حفاظتی اقدامات کرنا Safeguarded Safeguarded Safeguards Safeguarding
3864 Sag جھکنا/ادھرادھر پھرنا Sagged Sagged Sags Sagging
3865 Sail جہاز چلانا Sailed Sailed Sails Sailing
3866 Salify نمک بنا دینا Salified Salified Salifies Salifying
3867 Salivate لعاب چھوڑنا Salivated Salivated Salivates Salivating
3868 Sally محاصرےسےنکل کر حملہ کرنا Sallied Sallied Sallies Sallying
3869 Salt نمک لگانا Salted Salted Salts Salting
3870 Salute سلام کرنا Saluted Saluted Salutes Saluting
3871 Salvage ڈوبےہوئےجہازکونکال لانا Salvaged Salvaged Salvages Salvaging
3872 Sample نمونہ بنانا Sampled Sampled Samples Sampling
3873 Sanctify مقدس سمجھنا Sanctified Sanctified Sanctifies Sanctifying
3874 Sanction منظورکرنا Sanctioned Sanctioned Sanctions Sanctioning
3875 Sandwich دوجگہوں کےدرمیان داخل کرنا Sandwiched Sandwiched Sandwiches Sandwiching
3876 Sanify تندرست کرنا Sanified Sanified Sanifies Sanifying
3877 Sap جڑیں کھوکھلی کرنا Sapped Sapped Saps Sapping
3878 Sass گستاخ انداز سےگفتگوکرنا Sassed Sassed Sasses Sassing
3879 Satiate جی بھر دینا/آسودہ کرنا Satiated Satiated Satiates Satiating
3880 Satirize طنزکرنا Satirized Satirized Satirizes Satirizing
3881 Satisfy تسلی کرنا Satisfied Satisfied Satisfies Satisfying
3882 Saturate سیراب کرنا Saturated Saturated Saturates Saturating
3883 Saunter ٹہلنا Sauntered Sauntered Saunters Sauntering
3884 Save بچانا Saved Saved Saves Saving
3885 Savour چکھنا Savoured Savoured Savours Savouring
3886 Saw آرہ کشی کرنا Sawed Sawed Saws Sawing
3887 Say کہنا Said Said Says Saying
3888 Scab زخم کا بھرنا Scabbed Scabbed Scabs Scabbing
3889 Scald چلانا/اذیت دینا Scalded Scalded Scalds Scalding
3890 Scale تولنا Scaled Scaled Scales Scaling
3891 Scalp کھوپڑی کی کھال اتارنا Scalped Scalped Scalps Scalping
3892 Scamble زخمی کرنا Scambled Scambled Scambles Scambling
3893 Scamp کام دل لگا کر نہ کرنا Scamped Scamped Scamps Scamping
3894 Scamper بےتحاشادوڑنا Scampered Scampered Scampers Scampering
3895 Scan تبزیہ یا معائنہ کرنا Scanned Scanned Scans Scanning
3896 Scandalize کسی کو بدنام کرنا Scandalized Scandalized Scandalizes Scandalizing
3897 Scar داغ لگانا Scared Scared Scars Scaring
3898 Scare ڈرانا Scared Scared Scares Scaring
3899 Scarify کھرچنا/سخت تنقیدکرنا Scarified Scarified Scarifies Scarifying
3900 Scathe پہچانا Scathed Scathed Scathes Scathing
3901 Scatter بکھیرنا Scattered Scattered Scatters Scattering
3902 Scavenge غلاظت صاف کرنا Scavenged Scavenged Scavenges Scavenging
3903 Scent عطر لگانا/سونگھنا Scented Scented Scents Scenting
3904 Schedule منصوبہ بنانا Scheduled Scheduled Schedules Scheduling
3905 School اسکول یا مدرسےمٰیں بھیجنا Schooled Schooled Schools Schooling
3906 Sciagraph وقت پیمائی کرنا Sciagraphed Sciagraphed Sciagraphes Sciagraphing
3907 Scintillate چمکنا Scintillated Scintillated Scintillates Scintillating
3908 Scissor کاٹ کر علیحدہ کرنا Scissored Scissored Scissors Scissoring
3909 Scoff مذاق اڑانا Scoffed Scoffed Scoffs Scoffing
3910 Scold جھڑکنا Scolded Scolded Scolds Scolding
3911 Scoop کھوکھلا کرنا Scooped Scooped Scoops Scooping
3912 Scorch جھلسانا Scorched Scorched Scorches Scorching
3913 Score نشان لگانا Scored Scored Scores Scoring
3914 Scorify جلا کر راکھ کرنا Scorified Scorified Scorifies Scorifying
3915 Scorn حقیر سمجھنا Scorned Scorned Scorns Scorning
3916 Scotch نقصان پہچانا Scotched Scotched Scotches Scotching
3917 Scour مانجھنا Scoured Scoured Scours Scouring
3918 Scourge کوڑےلگانا Scourged Scourged Scourges Scourging
3919 Scout مخبری یا جاسوسی کرنا Scouted Scouted Scouts Scouting
3920 Scowl کڑے تیوروں سےدیکھنا Scowled Scowled Scowls Scowling
3921 Scrab کھرچنا Scrabed Scrabed Scrabs Scrabing
3922 Scrabble آڑھی ٹیڑھی لکریں کھنچنا Scrabbled Scrabbled Scrabbles Scrabbling
3923 Scrag گلا دبانا Scragged Scragged Scrags Scragging
3924 Scramble گھٹنوں کے بل چڑھنا Scrambled Scrambled Scrambles Scrambling
3925 Scranch کٹرکٹرچبانا Scranched Scranched Scranches Scranching
3926 Scrap جھڑپ ہو جانا Scrapped Scrapped Scraps Scrapping
3927 Scrape ہموار کرنا Scraped Scraped Scrapes Scraping
3928 Scratch کریدنا Scratched Scratched Scratches Scratching
3929 Scrawl گھسیٹنا Scrawled Scrawled Scrawls Scrawling
3930 Scream چیخ مارنا Screamed Screamed Screams Screaming
3931 Screech ناگوار آواز سے چیخنا Screeched Screeched Screeches Screeching
3932 Screen آڑکرنا Screened Screened Screens Screening
3933 Screeve فرش پر تصویر بنانا Screeved Screeved Screeves Screeving
3934 Screw شکجے میں کسنا Screwed Screwed Screws Screwing
3935 Scribble بےاحتیاتی سے لکھنا Scribbled Scribbled Scribbles Scribbling
3936 Scrimp سکیڑنا Scrimped Scrimped Scrimps Scrimping
3937 Scroll بل دینا Scrolled Scrolled Scrolls Scrolling
3938 Scroop کرخت آوازیں نکالنا Scrooped Scrooped Scroops Scrooping
3939 Scrounge بھیک مانگنا Scrounged Scrounged Scrounges Scrounging
3940 Scrub رگڑ رگڑ کر صاف کرنا Scrubbed Scrubbed Scrubs Scrubbing
3941 Scruple تذبذب ہونا Scrupled Scrupled Scruples Scrupling
3942 Scrutinize چھان بین کرنا Scrutinized Scrutinized Scrutinizes Scrutinizing
3943 Scud تیزی سے پار کرنا Scudded Scudded Scuds Scudding
3944 Scuff پاؤں گھسیٹ کر چلنا Scuffed Scuffed Scuffs Scuffing
3945 Scuffle ہاتھاپائی کرنا Scuffled Scuffled Scuffles Scuffling
3946 Sculp تراشنا Sculped Sculped Sculps Sculping
3947 Sculpt مجسمہ سازی کرنا Sculpted Sculpted Sculpts Sculpting
3948 Scumble رنگ ہلکا کرنا Scumbled Scumbled Scumbles Scumbling
3949 Scurry جلدی جلدی چلنا Scurried Scurried Scurries Scurrying
3950 Scuttle فرار ہو جانا Scuttled Scuttled Scuttles Scuttling
3951 Seal بند کرنا/مہر لگانا Sealed Sealed Seals Sealing
3952 Sear خشک کرنا Seared Seared Sears Searing
3953 Search تلاش کرنا Searched Searched Searches Searching
3954 Season مرچ مسالہ لگانا/پختہ کرنا Seasoned Seasoned Seasons Seasoning
3955 Seat بیٹھانا Seated Seated Seats Seating
3956 Secede رکنیت چھوڑنا Seceded Seceded Secedes Seceding
3957 Seclude گوشہ نشین ہونا Secluded Secluded Secludes Secluding
3958 Second بطورنائب کام کرنا Seconded Seconded Seconds Seconding
3959 Secrete چھپا رکھنا Secreted Secreted Secretes Secreting
3960 Secure محفوظ کرنا Secured Secured Secures Securing
3961 Seduce بہلانا پھسلانا Seduced Seduced Seduces Seducing
3962 See دیکھنا Saw Seen Sees Seeing
3963 Seed بیج ڈالنا Seeded Seeded Seeds Seeding
3964 Seek طلب یا تلاش کرنا Sought Sought Seeks Seeking
3965 Seel دھاگےسےسینا Seeled Seeled Seels Seeling
3966 Seem معلوم ہونا Seemed Seemed Seems Seeming
3967 Seep قطرہ بہنا Seeped Seeped Seeps Seeping
3968 Seethe جوش دینا Seethed Seethed Seethes Seething
3969 Segment قطعہ قطعہ کرنا Segmented Segmented Segments Segmenting
3970 Segregate الگ کر دینا Segregated Segregated Segregates Segregating
3971 Seine ماہی گیری کرنا Seined Seined Seines Seining
3972 Seize قبضہ کرلینا Seized Seized Seizes Seizing
3973 Select منتخب کرنا Selected Selected Selects Selecting
3974 Sell بیچنا Sold Sold Sells Selling
3975 Send بھیجنا Sent Sent Sends Sending
3976 Sense محسوس کرنا Sensed Sensed Senses Sensing
3977 Sentence فیصلہ سنانا Sentenced Sentenced Sentences Sentencing
3978 Separate علیحدہ کرنا Separated Separated Separates Separating
3979 Sequence ترتیب سےآنا Sequenced Sequenced Sequences Sequencing
3980 Sequester ضبط کرنا Sequestered Sequestered Sequesters Sequestering
3981 Serrate آری کی طرح بنادینا Serrated Serrated Serrates Serrating
3982 Serve خدمت یا پیش کرنا Served Served Serves Serving
3983 Service کارآمد ہونا Serviced Serviced Services Servicing
3984 Set رکھنا /غروب ہونا Set Set Sets Setting
3985 Settle طےیاآبادکرنا Settled Settled Settles Settling
3986 Sever دوٹکرےکرنا Severed Severed Severs Severing
3987 Sew سلائی کرنا Sewed Sewed Sews Sewing
3988 Shackle بیٹری ڈالنا Shackled Shackled Shackles Shackling
3989 Shade چھاؤں کرنا Shaded Shaded Shades Shading
3990 Shadow سایہ ڈالنا Shadowed Shadowed Shadows Shadowing
3991 Shake زورسےہلانا Shook Shaken Shakes Shaking
3992 Shamble لڑکھڑاکےچلنا Shambled Shambled Shambles Shambling
3993 Shame سرمندہ ہونا Shamed Shamed Shames Shaming
3994 Shampoo شیمپو کرنا Shampooed Shampooed Shampoos Shampooing
3995 Shape صورت دینا Shaped Shaped Shapes Shaping
3996 Share تقسیم کرنا Shared Shared Shares Sharing
3997 Sharpen تیز کرنا Sharpened Sharpened Sharpens Sharpening
3998 Shatter پاش پاش کرنا Shattered Shattered Shatters Shattering
3999 Shave تراشنا/مونڈنا Shaved Shaved Shaves Shaving
4000 Shear کاٹنا Shore Shorn Shears Shearing
4001 Sheathe نیام میں ڈالنا Sheathed Sheathed Sheathes Sheathing
4002 Sheave گٹھےبنانا Sheaved Sheaved Sheaves Sheaving
4003 Shed بہانا Shed Shed Sheds Sheding
4004 Sheet اوڑھنا/ڈھانپنا Sheeted Sheeted Sheets Sheeting
4005 Shell چھلکااتارنا Shelled Shelled Shells Shelling
4006 Shellac لاکھ سےوارنش کرنا Shellacked Shellacked Shellacs Shellacking
4007 Shelter پناہ دینا Sheltered Sheltered Shelters Sheltering
4008 Shelve تختےپر رکھنا Shelved Shelved Shelves Shelving
4009 Shepherd بکریاں چرانا Shepherded Shepherded Shepherds Shepherding
4010 Shew ظاہر کرنا Shewed Shewed Shews Shewing
4011 Shield حفاظت کرنا Shielded Shielded Shields Shielding
4012 Shift منتقل کرنا Shifted Shifted Shifts Shifting
4013 Shim پچرلگانا Shimmed Shimmed Shims Shimming
4014 Shimmer ٹمٹمانا Shimmered Shimmered Shimmers Shimmering
4015 Shine چمکنا Shined Shined Shines Shining
4016 Shingle لکڑی کےتختےلگانا Shingled Shingled Shingles Shingling
4017 Ship جہازپرلادنا Shipped Shipped Ships Shipping
4018 Shirk کترانا/گریز کرنا Shirked Shirked Shirks Shirking
4019 Shiver کانپنا Shivered Shivered Shivers Shivering
4020 Shock دھچکا لگنا Shocked Shocked Shocks Shocking
4021 Shoot بندوق سےمارنا Shot Shot Shoots Shooting
4022 Shop خریداری کرنا Shopped Shopped Shops Shopping
4023 Shore سہارادینا Shored Shored Shores Shoring
4024 Shorten چھوٹاکرنا Shortened Shortened Shortens Shortening
4025 Shot گولی چلانا Shotted Shotted Shots Shotting
4026 Shoulder کندھےسےدھکادینا Shouldered Shouldered Shoulders Shouldering
4027 Shout چلانا Shouted Shouted Shouts Shouting
4028 Shove دھکیلنا Shoved Shoved Shoves Shoving
4029 Show دکھانا Showed Showed Shows Showing
4030 Shower بوچھاڑہونا Showered Showered Showers Showering
4031 Shred پرزےپرزےکرنا Shredded Shredded Shreds Shredding
4032 Shriek چیخ پکار کرنا Shrieked Shrieked Shrieks Shrieking
4033 Shrink سکیڑنا Shrank Shrunk Shrinks Shrinking
4034 Shrive سوکھ جانا Shrived Shrived Shrives Shriving
4035 Shroud پردہ ڈالنا Shrouded Shrouded Shrouds Shrouding
4036 Shrug کندےاچکانا Shrugged Shrugged Shrugs Shrugging
4037 Shudder کانپنا Shuddered Shuddered Shudders Shuddering
4038 Shuffle تاش ملانا Shuffled Shuffled Shuffles Shuffling
4039 Shun بچنا Shunned Shunned Shuns Shunning
4040 Shunt ملتوی کرنا Shunted Shunted Shunts Shunting
4041 Shut بندکرنا Shut Shut Shuts Shuting
4042 Shutter جھلملی گرادینا Shuttered Shuttered Shutters Shuttering
4043 Shy شرمیلاہونا/نشانہ لگانا Shied Shied Shies Shying
4044 Sibilate پھنکارنا Sibilated Sibilated Sibilates Sibilating
4045 Sicken بیمارہونا Sickened Sickened Sickens Sickening
4046 Side فریق کا ساتھ دینا Sided Sided Sides Siding
4047 Sideline کھیلنے سے روکنا Sidelined Sidelined Sidelines Sidelining
4048 Sidle دبک کرچلنا Sidled Sidled Sidles Sidling
4049 Sift چھانٹنا Sifted Sifted Sifts Sifting
4050 Sigh آہ بھرنا Sighed Sighed Sighs Sighing
4051 Sight دیکھنا Sighted Sighted Sights Sighting
4052 Sign دستخط کرنا Signed Signed Signs Signing
4053 Signal اشارہ دینا Signaled Signaled Signals Signaling
4054 Signalize اشارےسے نمایاں کرنا Signalized Signalized Signalizes Signalizing
4055 Signify ظاہرکرنا Signified Signified Signifies Signifying
4056 Silence خاموش کرانا Silenced Silenced Silences Silencing
4057 Silhouette نقش بنانا Silhouetted Silhouetted Silhouettes Silhouetting
4058 Silt گادکی طرح بہنا Silted Silted Silts Silting
4059 Similize تشبیہ دینا Similized Similized Similizes Similizing
4060 Simmer ابلنے کےقریب ہونا Simmered Simmered Simmers Simmering
4061 Simper بناوٹی ہنسی ہنسنا Simpered Simpered Simpers Simpering
4062 Simplify سادہ کرنا Simplified Simplified Simplifies Simplifying
4063 Simulate نقل کرنا Simulated Simulated Simulates Simulating
4064 Sin گناہ کرنا Sinned Sinned Sins Sinning
4065 Sing گآنا Sang Sung Sings Singing
4066 Singe جھلسانا Singed Singed Singes Singing
4067 Single چننا Singled Singled Singles Singling
4068 Sink ڈوبنا/ختم ہوجانا Sank Sunk Sinks Sinking
4069 Sip چسکی لینا Sipped Sipped Sips Sipping
4070 Sire افزائش نسل کرنا Sired Sired Sires Siring
4071 Sit بیٹھنا Sat Sat Sits Siting
4072 Site متعین کرنا Sited Sited Sites Siting
4073 Situate واقع ہونا Situated Situated Situates Situating
4074 Size جسامت کی ترتیب سے لگانا Sized Sized Sizes Sizing
4075 Sizzle سوں سوں کرنا Sizzled Sizzled Sizzles Sizzling
4076 Skate برفانی جوتوں سے پھسلنا Skated Skated Skates Skating
4077 Skeletonize صرف ڈھانچہ رہنے دینا Skeletonized Skeletonized Skeletonizes Skeletonizing
4078 Sketch خاکہ بنانا Sketched Sketched Sketches Sketching
4079 Skew ٹیڑھاراستہ اختیارکرنا Skewed Skewed Skews Skewing
4080 Ski برف پر چلنا Skied Skied Skies Sking
4081 Skid روک لینا Skidded Skidded Skids Skidding
4082 Skim ملائی اتارنا Skimmed Skimmed Skims Skimming
4083 Skimp ناپ تول کر دینا Skimped Skimped Skimps Skimping
4084 Skin کھال اتارنا Skinned Skinned Skins Skinning
4085 Skip پھلانگنا Skipped Skipped Skips Skipping
4086 Skirmish جھڑپ ہونا Skirmished Skirmished Skirmishes Skirmishing
4087 Skirt کنارےپرواقع ہونا Skirted Skirted Skirts Skirting
4088 Skitter چھیبٹیں اڑانا Skittered Skittered Skitters Skittering
4089 Skittle تیزی سے آؤٹ کردینا Skittled Skittled Skittles Skittling
4090 Skive چاک کرنا Skived Skived Skives Skiving
4091 Skull پہلو بچانا Skulled Skulled Skulls Skulling
4092 Slabber رال بہانا Slabbered Slabbered Slabbers Slabbering
4093 Slack کام میں سست ہونا Slacked Slacked Slacks Slacking
4094 Slacken سست ہو جانا Slackened Slackened Slackens Slackening
4095 Slake چونا بچھانا Slaked Slaked Slakes Slaking
4096 Slam زورسےبند کرنا Slammed Slammed Slams Slamming
4097 Slander بہتان باندھنا Slandered Slandered Slanders Slandering
4098 Slant ترچھا کرنا Slanted Slanted Slants Slanting
4099 Slap تھپڑمارنا Slapped Slapped Slaps Slapping
4100 Slash لمبا کٹ لگانا Slashed Slashed Slashes Slashing
4101 Slate لعنت ملامت کرنا Slated Slated Slates Slating
4102 Slaughter ذبح کرنا Slaughtered Slaughtered Slaughters Slaughtering
4103 Slay مارڈالنا Slew Slain Slays Slaying
4104 Sleek ملائی بنانا Sleeked Sleeked Sleeks Sleeking
4105 Sleep سونا Slept Slept Sleeps Sleeping
4106 Slice ٹکڑے کرنا Sliced Sliced Slices Slicing
4107 Slide پھسلنا Slid Slid Slides Sliding
4108 Slight بےاتفاقی کرنا Slighted Slighted Slights Slighting
4109 Sling زور سےپھینکنا Slung Slung Slings Slinging
4110 Slink چپکےسےچلےجانا Slunk Slunk Slinks Slinking
4111 Slip سرکنا/لغزش کرنا Slipped Slipped Slips Slipping
4112 Slit چاک کرنا Slit Slit Slits Sliting
4113 Slither رک رک کر پھسلنا Slithered Slithered Slithers Slithering
4114 Slobber را ل بہنا Slobbered Slobbered Slobbers Slobbering
4115 Slog اندھا دھندہاتھ چلانا Slogged Slogged Slogs Slogging
4116 Slope ڈھلوان بنانا Sloped Sloped Slopes Sloping
4117 Slosh پانی میں چُھپ چُھپ کرنا Sloshed Sloshed Sloshes Sloshing
4118 Slouch بےڈھنکےطریقےسےچلنا Slouched Slouched Slouches Slouching
4119 Slough مردہ کی کھال الگ کرنا Sloughed Sloughed Sloughs Sloughing
4120 Slow دیر یا آہستہ کرنا Slowed Slowed Slows Slowing
4121 Slub اُون کو بُننا Slubbed Slubbed Slubs Slubbing
4122 Slubber گندہ کردینا Slubbered Slubbered Slubbers Slubbering
4123 Slug کاری ضرب لگانا Slugged Slugged Slugs Slugging
4124 Slumber اُونگھنا Slumbered Slumbered Slumbers Slumbering
4125 Slump بلکل منداہونا Slumped Slumped Slumps Slumping
4126 Slur داغ لگانا Slurred Slurred Slurs Slurring
4127 Smack چٹخارالینا Smacked Smacked Smacks Smacking
4128 Smart دکھنا Smart Smart Smarts Smarting
4129 Smarten چُست وچلاک بنانا Smartened Smartened Smartens Smartening
4130 Smash پاش پاش کرنا Smashed Smashed Smashes Smashing
4131 Smatter سطحی باتیں رکھنا Smattered Smattered Smatters Smattering
4132 Smear بدنام کرنا Smeared Smeared Smears Smearing
4133 Smell سونگھنا Smelt Smelt Smells Smelling
4134 Smelt خام دھات کو پگھلانا Smelted Smelted Smelts Smelting
4135 Smile مسکرانا Smiled Smiled Smiles Smiling
4136 Smirch شہرت کو نقصان پہچانا Smirched Smirched Smirches Smirching
4137 Smirk بناوٹ سے ہنسنا Smirked Smirked Smirks Smirking
4138 Smite سخت ضرب لگانا Smote Smitten Smites Smiting
4139 Smoke تمباکونوشی کرنا Smoked Smoked Smokes Smoking
4140 Smooth ہموار کرنا Smoothed Smoothed Smoothes Smoothing
4141 Smoothen آسان کرنا Smoothened Smoothened Smoothens Smoothening
4142 Smother ناک میں دم کرنا Smothered Smothered Smothers Smothering
4143 Smoulder اندہی اندرجلنا Smouldered Smouldered Smoulders Smouldering
4144 Smudge دھبہ لگانا Smudged Smudged Smudges Smudging
4145 Smuggle غیرقانونی درآمدیابرآمدکرنا Smuggled Smuggled Smuggles Smuggling
4146 Snaffle لگام ڈالنا یا ہتھیانا Snaffled Snaffled Snaffles Snaffling
4147 Snag چٹان سےٹکرانا Snagged Snagged Snags Snagging
4148 Snake سانپ کی طرح رینگنا Snaked Snaked Snakes Snaking
4149 Snap چٹخانایاتصویرلینا Snapped Snapped Snaps Snapping
4150 Snare پھانسنا Snared Snared Snares Snaring
4151 Snarl جلی کٹی سنانا Snarled Snarled Snarls Snarling
4152 Snatch چھین لینا Snatched Snatched Snatches Snatching
4153 Sneak کھسک جانا Sneaked Sneaked Sneaks Sneaking
4154 Sneer حقارت بھرےاندازمیں بولنا Sneered Sneered Sneers Sneering
4155 Sneeze چھینکنا Sneezed Sneezed Sneezes Sneezing
4156 Snick کاٹنا Snicked Snicked Snicks Snicking
4157 Snicker دبی ہنسی ہنسنا Snickered Snickered Snickers Snickering
4158 Sniff سانس اندر لینا Sniffed Sniffed Sniffs Sniffing
4159 Snigger چپکے چپکے ہنسنا Sniggered Sniggered Sniggers Sniggering
4160 Sniggle چارہ ڈال کر بام مچھلی پکڑنا Sniggled Sniggled Sniggles Sniggling
4161 Snip قینچی سے کاٹنا Snipped Snipped Snips Snipping
4162 Snoop تاک جھانک کرنا Snooped Snooped Snoops Snooping
4163 Snooze قیلولہ کرنا Snoozed Snoozed Snoozes Snoozing
4164 Snore خراٹےلینا Snored Snored Snores Snoring
4165 Snort نتھنےپھیلانا Snorted Snorted Snorts Snorting
4166 Snow برف باری ہونا Snowed Snowed Snows Snowing
4167 Snub جھڑکنا Snubbed Snubbed Snubs Snubbing
4168 Snuff سانس اندر کھینچنا Snuffed Snuffed Snuffs Snuffing
4169 Snuffle ناک میں بولنا Snuffled Snuffled Snuffles Snuffling
4170 Snuggle پاس لیٹنا Snuggled Snuggled Snuggles Snuggling
4171 Soak بھگونا Soaked Soaked Soaks Soaking
4172 Soap صابن سےرگڑنا Soaped Soaped Soaps Soaping
4173 Soar اُوپر کواُڑنا Soared Soared Soars Soaring
4174 Sob سسکیاں بھرنا Sobbed Sobbed Sobs Sobbing
4175 Sober سنجیدہ ہونا Sobered Sobered Sobers Sobering
4176 Socialize سماجی بنانا Socialized Socialized Socializes Socializing
4177 Sodden بہکی بہکی باتیں کرنا Soddened Soddened Soddens Soddening
4178 Soften نرم کرنا Softened Softened Softens Softening
4179 Soil گنداکرنا Soiled Soiled Soils Soiling
4180 Sojourn عارضی طور پر قیام کرنا Sojourned Sojourned Sojourns Sojourning
4181 Solace تسکین پہچانا Solaced Solaced Solaces Solacing
4182 Solarize شمسی شعاعوں سےمتاثرکرنا Solarized Solarized Solarizes Solarizing
4183 Solder ٹانکالگانا Soldered Soldered Solders Soldering
4184 Solemnize رسومات دینی انجام دینا Solemnized Solemnized Solemnizes Solemnizing
4185 Solfa لےمیں گانا Solfaed Solfaed Solfas Solfaing
4186 Solicit اصرارکرنا Solicited Solicited Solicits Soliciting
4187 Solidify ٹھوس بنانا Solidified Solidified Solidifies Solidifying
4188 Soliloquize خودکلامی کرنا Soliloquized Soliloquized Soliloquizes Soliloquizing
4189 Solve حل کرنا Solved Solved Solves Solving
4190 Soothe تسلی دینا Soothed Soothed Soothes Soothing
4191 Soothsay قسمت کا حال بتانا Soothsaid Soothsaid Soothsays Soothsaying
4192 Sophisticate مغالطہ دینا Sophisticated Sophisticated Sophisticates Sophisticating
4193 Sorn زبردستی کا مہمان بننا Sorned Sorned Sorns Sorning
4194 Sort قسم الگ کرنا Sorted Sorted Sorts Sorting
4195 Sough سائیں سائیں کرنا Soughed Soughed Soughs Soughing
4196 Sound آوازنکالنا/گہرائی ناپنا Sounded Sounded Sounds Sounding
4197 Sour کھٹاہونا Soured Soured Sours Souring
4198 Souse اچارڈالنا Soused Soused Souses Sousing
4199 Sow بیج بونا Sowed Sowed Sows Sowing
4200 Space برابر فاصلہ پر لگانا Spaced Spaced Spaces Spacing
4201 Spale پتلےپتلےٹکڑےکرنا Spaled Spaled Spales Spaling
4202 Span مھراب لگانا Spanned Spanned Spans Spanning
4203 Spank تیزی سے چلنا Spanked Spanked Spanks Spanking
4204 Spar گھونسےمارنا Sparred Sparred Spars Sparring
4205 Spare چھوڑدینا Spared Spared Spares Sparing
4206 Spark شعلہ دینا Sparked Sparked Sparks Sparking
4207 Sparkle چمکنادمکنا Sparkled Sparkled Sparkles Sparkling
4208 Spat معمولی بات پر جھگڑاکرنا Spatted Spatted Spats Spatting
4209 Spatter چھینٹےپڑنایاڈالنا Spattered Spattered Spatters Spattering
4210 Spawl تھوکنا Spawled Spawled Spawls Spawling
4211 Spawn مچھلیوں کا انڈےدینا Spawned Spawned Spawns Spawning
4212 Speak بولنا Spoke Spoken Speaks Speaking
4213 Spear نیزہ مارنا Speared Speared Spears Spearing
4214 Spearhead مصروفیت شروع کرنا Spearheaded Spearheaded Spearheads Spearheading
4215 Specialize خصوصی مہارت حاصل کرنا Specialized Specialized Specializes Specializing
4216 Specify تعین یا مخصوص کرنا Specified Specified Specifies Specifying
4217 Speck داغ ڈالنا Specked Specked Specks Specking
4218 Speckle دھبےڈالنا Speckled Speckled Speckles Speckling
4219 Speculate قیاس سے کام لینا Speculated Speculated Speculates Speculating
4220 Speed تیز کرنا Sped Sped Speeds Speeding
4221 Spell ہجےکرنا Spelled Spelled Spells Spelling
4222 Spend خرچ کرنا Spent Spent Spends Spending
4223 Spew اُگلنا Spewed Spewed Spews Spewing
4224 Sphacelate گوشت ک گلنا سڑنا Sphacelated Sphacelated Sphacelates Sphacelating
4225 Spice مصالحہ لگانا Spiced Spiced Spices Spicing
4226 Spike نوک دارچیز چھبونا Spiked Spiked Spikes Spiking
4227 Spill گرانا Spilled Spilled Spills Spilling
4228 Spin گھمانا Spun Spun Spins Spinning
4229 Spiral چکر لگانا Spiraled Spiraled Spirals Spiraling
4230 Spirit فوارہ نکالنا Spirited Spirited Spirits Spiriting
4231 Spiritualize پاکیزہ بنانا Spiritualized Spiritualized Spiritualizes Spiritualizing
4232 Spit تھوکنا Spat Spat Spits Spiting
4233 Spite مخالفت کرنا Spited Spited Spites Spiting
4234 Splash چھینٹےاُڑانا Splashed Splashed Splashes Splashing
4235 Splatter آلودہ کرنا Splattered Splattered Splatters Splattering
4236 Splay ڈھال نکالنا Splayed Splayed Splays Splaying
4237 Splice جوڑنا Spliced Spliced Splices Splicing
4238 Splinter پرخچے اُڑانا Splintered Splintered Splinters Splintering
4239 Split پھاڑنا Split Split Splits Spliting
4240 Splurge دھوم دھام سے کوئی کام کرنا Splurged Splurged Splurges Splurging
4241 Splutter بڑنڑانا Spluttered Spluttered Splutters Spluttering
4242 Spoil خراب کرنا Spoiled Spoiled Spoils Spoiling
4243 Spoliate لوٹ مار کرنا Spoliated Spoliated Spoliates Spoliating
4244 Sponge جذب کرنا Sponged Sponged Sponges Sponging
4245 Sponsor ضامن یا کفیل ہونا Sponsored Sponsored Sponsors Sponsoring
4246 Spoon چمچےمیں نکالنا Spooned Spooned Spoons Spooning
4247 Spoor سراغ لینا Spoored Spoored Spoors Spooring
4248 Sport تفریح یا دکھاواکرنا Sported Sported Sports Sporting
4249 Spot داغدار کرنا Spotted Spotted Spots Spotting
4250 Spout پھوٹ پڑنا Spouted Spouted Spouts Spouting
4251 Sprain موچ آنا Sprained Sprained Sprains Spraining
4252 Sprawl پاؤں پیسار کرچلنا Sprawled Sprawled Sprawls Sprawling
4253 Spray پھوار ڈالنا Sprayed Sprayed Sprays Spraying
4254 Spread پھیلانا Spread Spread Spreads Spreading
4255 Spring بیل بوٹوں سے سجانا Sprang Sprung Springs Springing
4256 Sprinkle چھڑکنا Sprinkled Sprinkled Sprinkles Sprinkling
4257 Sprint سرپٹ بھاگنا Sprinted Sprinted Sprints Sprinting
4258 Sprout کونپل پھوٹنا Sprouted Sprouted Sprouts Sprouting
4259 Spur ایڑلگانا Spurred Spurred Spurs Spurring
4260 Spurn ٹھکرانا Spurned Spurned Spurns Spurning
4261 Spurt جوش میں آنا Spurted Spurted Spurts Spurting
4262 Sputter گھبراہٹ میں بولنا Sputtered Sputtered Sputters Sputtering
4263 Spy کھوج لگانا Spied Spied Spies Spying
4264 Squabble تکرار کرنا Squabbled Squabbled Squabbles Squabbling
4265 Squall چیخ مارنا Squalled Squalled Squalls Squalling
4266 Squander فضول خرچی کرنا Squandered Squandered Squanders Squandering
4267 Square ہم آہنگ کرنا Squared Squared Squares Squaring
4268 Squash گودا نکالنا Squashed Squashed Squashes Squashing
4269 Squat گھٹنےاٹھا کر بیٹھنا Squatted Squatted Squats Squatting
4270 Squeak چوں چوں کرنا Squeaked Squeaked Squeaks Squeaking
4271 Squeal چیں چیں کر کے بولنا Squealed Squealed Squeals Squealing
4272 Squeeze نچوڑنا Squeezed Squeezed Squeezes Squeezing
4273 Squelch روندڈالنا Squelched Squelched Squelches Squelching
4274 Squid چارہ لگا کرمچلی پکڑنا Squidded Squidded Squids Squidding
4275 Squint بھینگاہونا Squinted Squinted Squints Squinting
4276 Squirm بل کھانا Squirmed Squirmed Squirms Squirming
4277 Squirt پچکاری مارنا Squirted Squirted Squirts Squirting
4278 Stab گھونپنا Stabbed Stabbed Stabs Stabbing
4279 Stabilize مضبوط کرنا Stabilized Stabilized Stabilizes Stabilizing
4280 Stable اصطبل مٰیں رہنا Stabled Stabled Stables Stabling
4281 Stack انبار لگانا Stacked Stacked Stacks Stacking
4282 Staff عملہ مہیاکرنا Staffed Staffed Staffs Staffing
4283 Stag تمثیل پیش کرنا Staged Staged Stags Staging
4284 Stage سٹیج پراداکاری کرنا Staged Staged Stages Staging
4285 Stagger بدحواس کرنا Staggered Staggered Staggers Staggering
4286 Stagnate ساکن ہونا Stagnated Stagnated Stagnates Stagnating
4287 Stain دھبہ لگانا Stained Stained Stains Staining
4288 Stake شرط لگانا Staked Staked Stakes Staking
4289 Stale فرسودہ بنا دینا Staled Staled Stales Staling
4290 Stalk وقار سےچلنا Stalked Stalked Stalks Stalking
4291 Stall اچانک رُک جانا Stalled Stalled Stalls Stalling
4292 Stammer ہکلانا Stammered Stammered Stammers Stammering
4293 Stamp مہرلگانا/پاؤں زمین پر مارنا Stamped Stamped Stamps Stamping
4294 Stampede ایک طرف بھاگ اٹھنا Stampeded Stampeded Stampedes Stampeding
4295 Stanch بہاؤکوروکنا Stanched Stanched Stanches Stanching
4296 Stand کھڑےرہنا Stood Stood Stands Standing
4297 Standardize ہم معیار بنانا Standardized Standardized Standardizes Standardizing
4298 Staple نتھی کرنا Stapled Stapled Staples Stapling
4299 Star ستارےجڑنا Starred Starred Stars Starring
4300 Stare گُھورنا Stared Stared Stares Staring
4301 Start شروع کرنا Started Started Starts Starting
4302 Startle چونکا دینا Startled Startled Startles Startling
4303 Starve فاقےکرنا Starved Starved Starves Starving
4304 Stash ذخیرہ اندوزی کرنا Stashed Stashed Stashes Stashing
4305 State وضاحت سے کہنا Stated Stated States Stating
4306 Station لگانا/مقررکرنا Stationed Stationed Stations Stationing
4307 Stave چھیدکرنا Staved Staved Staves Staving
4308 Stay رہنایاٹھہرنا Stayed Stayed Stays Staying
4309 Steady پکاکرنا Steadied Steadied Steadies Steadying
4310 Steal چرانا Stole Stolen Steals Stealing
4311 Steam بھاپ بن کراڑنا Steamed Steamed Steams Steaming
4312 Steel سخت کرنا Steeled Steeled Steels Steeling
4313 Steep شرابورکرنا Steeped Steeped Steeps Steeping
4314 Steer خاص سمت میں چلانا Steered Steered Steers Steering
4315 Stem بندباندھنا Stemmed Stemmed Stems Stemming
4316 Stencil نقش سازی کرنا Stenciled Stenciled Stencils Stenciling
4317 Step قدم اُٹھانا Stepped Stepped Steps Stepping
4318 Stereotype سیسےکی تختی سےچھاپنا Stereotyped Stereotyped Stereotypes Stereotyping
4319 Sterilize جراثیم مارنا Sterilized Sterilized Sterilizes Sterilizing
4320 Stet نقطےلگانا Stetted Stetted Stets Stetting
4321 Stew ہلچل پیداکرنا Stewed Stewed Stews Stewing
4322 Stick چسپاں کرنا Stuck Stuck Sticks Sticking
4323 Stiffen سخت کرنا Stiffened Stiffened Stiffens Stiffening
4324 Stifle دبادینا Stifled Stifled Stifles Stifling
4325 Stigmatize نفرت سےیادکرنا Stigmatized Stigmatized Stigmatizes Stigmatizing
4326 Stimulate جوش دلانا Stimulated Stimulated Stimulates Stimulating
4327 Sting ڈنک مارنا Stung Stung Stings Stinging
4328 Stink متعفن ہونا Stank Stunk Stinks Stinking
4329 Stint کمی کرنا Stinted Stinted Stints Stinting
4330 Stipple نقطوں کی کندہ کاری کرنا Stippled Stippled Stipples Stippling
4331 Stipulate شرط مقررکرنا Stipulated Stipulated Stipulates Stipulating
4332 Stir ہلانا Stirred Stirred Stirs Stirring
4333 Stitch سینا/ٹانکالگانا Stitched Stitched Stitches Stitching
4334 Stock ذخیرہ کرنا Stocked Stocked Stocks Stocking
4335 Stoke آگ بھڑکانا Stoked Stoked Stokes Stoking
4336 Stomp بھاری قدموں سےچلنا Stomped Stomped Stomps Stomping
4337 Stone پتھر پھینکنا Stoned Stoned Stones Stoning
4338 Stoop جھکنا/ذلیل کرنا Stooped Stooped Stoops Stooping
4339 Stop رکنا Stopped Stopped Stops Stopping
4340 Stopple ڈاٹ لگانا Stoppled Stoppled Stopples Stoppling
4341 Store انبارلگانایاذخیرہ کرنا Stored Stored Stores Storing
4342 Storm برس پڑنا Stormed Stormed Storms Storming
4343 Stow ترتیب سے رکھنا Stowed Stowed Stows Stowing
4344 Straddle ٹانگیں پھیلانا Straddled Straddled Straddles Straddling
4345 Straggle ادھرادھرپھرنا Straggled Straggled Straggles Straggling
4346 Straighten سیدھا کرنا Straightened Straightened Straightens Straightening
4347 Strain کام کابوجھ کرنا Strained Strained Strains Straining
4348 Straiten کشیدہ بنادینا Straitened Straitened Straitens Straitening
4349 Strand جہاز کا ساحل پر چڑھ جانا Stranded Stranded Strands Stranding
4350 Strangle سانس بند کرنا Strangled Strangled Strangles Strangling
4351 Strap تسمےسےباندھنا Strapped Strapped Straps Strapping
4352 Strategize حکمت عملی بنانا Strategized Strategized Strategizes Strategizing
4353 Stratify پرت پرت کرنا Stratified Stratified Stratifies Stratifying
4354 Stray بھٹکنا Strayed Strayed Strays Straying
4355 Stream بہنا/ہوامیں اُڑنا Streamed Streamed Streams Streaming
4356 Strengthen طاقت پکڑنا Strengthened Strengthened Strengthens Strengthening
4357 Stress زوردینا Stressed Stressed Stresses Stressing
4358 Stretch پھیلنا/کھینچنا Stretched Stretched Stretches Stretching
4359 Strew بکھیرنا Strewed Strewed Strews Strewing
4360 Striate لکیریں ڈالنا Striated Striated Striates Striating
4361 Stride پھلانگنا Strode Stridden Strides Striding
4362 Strike ٹکرانا یا ہڑتال کرنا Struck Struck Strikes Striking
4363 String باندھنا Strung Strung Strings Stringing
4364 Strip محروم کر دینا Striped Striped Strips Striping
4365 Strive جدوجہدکرنا Strived Strived Strives Striving
4366 Stroke تھپکنا یا سہلانا Stroked Stroked Strokes Stroking
4367 Stroll چہل قدمی کرنا Strolled Strolled Strolls Strolling
4368 Structure ساخت ہونا Structured Structured Structures Structuring
4369 Struggle سخت کوشش کرنا Struggled Struggled Struggles Struggling
4370 Strut اِتراکرچلنا Strutted Strutted Struts Strutting
4371 Stub جڑسےاکھاڑنا Stubbed Stubbed Stubs Stubbing
4372 Stud تعلق ہونا Studded Studded Studs Studding
4373 Study مطالعہ کرنا Studied Studied Studies Studying
4374 Stuff بھرنا Stuffed Stuffed Stuffs Stuffing
4375 Stultify بےکیفی پیداکرنا Stultified Stultified Stultifies Stultifying
4376 Stumble لڑکھڑانا Stumbled Stumbled Stumbles Stumbling
4377 Stump مشکل سوال پوچھنا Stumped Stumped Stumps Stumping
4378 Stun ذہنی صدمہ پہنچانا Stunned Stunned Stuns Stunning
4379 Stunt کرتب دکھانا Stunted Stunted Stunts Stunting
4380 Stupefy حوس باختہ کرنا Stupefied Stupefied Stupefies Stupefying
4381 Stutter ہکلانا Stuttered Stuttered Stutters Stuttering
4382 Style کسی خاص وضع میں بنانا Styled Styled Styles Styling
4383 Stylize رسمی بنا دینا Stylized Stylized Stylizes Stylizing
4384 Subdivide تقسیم درتقسیم کر Subdivided Subdivided Subdivides Subdividing
4385 Subduct نکال لینا Subducted Subducted Subducts Subducting
4386 Subdue مغلوب کرنا Subdued Subdued Subdues Subduing
4387 Subject محکوم بنانا Subjected Subjected Subjects Subjecting
4388 Subjugate زیر کرنا Subjugated Subjugated Subjugates Subjugating
4389 Sublet آگے کرائےپردینا Sublet Sublet Sublets Subleting
4390 Sublimate بلندکرنا Sublimated Sublimated Sublimates Sublimating
4391 Submarine ڈبودینا Submarined Submarined Submarines Submarining
4392 Submerge غرق کرنا Submerged Submerged Submerges Submerging
4393 Submerse تہ آب ہونا Submersed Submersed Submerses Submersing
4394 Submit حوالےکرنا Submitted Submitted Submits Submitting
4395 Subordinate ماتحت ہونایاکرنا Subordinated Subordinated Subordinates Subordinating
4396 Suborn غیرقانونی کام پرآمادہ کرنا Suborned Suborned Suborns Suborning
4397 Subrogate متبادل بنا ْدینا Subrogated Subrogated Subrogates Subrogating
4398 Subscribe صادیا تائید کرنا Subscribed Subscribed Subscribes Subscribing
4399 Subside دھنس جانا Subsided Subsided Subsides Subsiding
4400 Subsidize امداددینا Subsidized Subsidized Subsidizes Subsidizing
4401 Subsist وجودرکھنا Subsisted Subsisted Subsists Subsisting
4402 Substantiate حقائق پیش کرنا Substantiated Substantiated Substantiates Substantiating
4403 Substitute قائم مقام بنانا Substituted Substituted Substitutes Substituting
4404 Subsume اطلاق کرنا Subsumed Subsumed Subsumes Subsuming
4405 Subtend زاویےکےمقابل ہونا Subtended Subtended Subtends Subtending
4406 Subtilize ہلکاکرنا Subtilized Subtilized Subtilizes Subtilizing
4407 Subtitle ترجمےکےالفاظ دینا Subtitled Subtitled Subtitles Subtitling
4408 Subtract تفریق کرنا Subtracted Subtracted Subtracts Subtracting
4409 Suburbanize مضافاتی بنانا Suburbanized Suburbanized Suburbanizes Suburbanizing
4410 Subvene نیچےآنا Subvened Subvened Subvenes Subvening
4411 Subvert تخریبی کاروائی کرنا Subverted Subverted Subverts Subverting
4412 Succeed کامیاب ہونا/وارث بننا Succeeded Succeeded Succeeds Succeeding
4413 Succour امداددینا Succoured Succoured Succours Succouring
4414 Succumb بےبس ہوجانا Succumbed Succumbed Succumbs Succumbing
4415 Suck چوسنا/جذب کرنا Sucked Sucked Sucks Sucking
4416 Sue استدعا کرنا Sued Sued Sues Suing
4417 Suffer برداشت کرنا/جھیلنا Suffered Suffered Suffers Suffering
4418 Suffice کافی ہونا Sufficed Sufficed Suffices Sufficing
4419 Suffix لاحقہ لگانا Suffixed Suffixed Suffixes Suffixing
4420 Suffocate دم گھٹنا Suffocated Suffocated Suffocates Suffocating
4421 Suffuse چھاجانا Suffused Suffused Suffuses Suffusing
4422 Suggest تجویزپیش کرنا Suggested Suggested Suggests Suggesting
4423 Suit موزوں ہونا Suited Suited Suits Suiting
4424 Sulk ناراض ہونا Sulked Sulked Sulks Sulking
4425 Sully دھبہ لگانا Sullied Sullied Sullies Sullying
4426 Sulphurate گندھک میں ملانا Sulphurated Sulphurated Sulphurates Sulphurating
4427 Sulphurize گندھک سےصاف کرنا Sulphurized Sulphurized Sulphurizes Sulphurizing
4428 Sum جمع کرنا Summed Summed Sums Summing
4429 Summarize خلاصہ کرنا Summarized Summarized Summarizes Summarizing
4430 Summon طلب کرنا Summoned Summoned Summons Summoning
4431 Sunder جداکرنا Sundered Sundered Sunders Sundering
4432 Sup تھوڑاکھانا Supped Supped Sups Supping
4433 Superad مزید اضافہ کرنا Superaded Superaded Superads Superading
4434 Superannuate بکدوش کرنا Superannuated Superannuated Superannuates Superannuating
4435 Superimpose کسی چیز کے اوپر رکھنا Superimposed Superimposed Superimposes Superimposing
4436 Superinduce نئی چیز بڑھانا Superinduced Superinduced Superinduces Superinducing
4437 Superintend نگرانی کرنا Superintended Superintended Superintends Superintending
4438 Superscribe سطح پررکھنا Superscribed Superscribed Superscribes Superscribing
4439 Supersede منسوخ کرنا Superseded Superseded Supersedes Superseding
4440 Supervene دخل اندازہونا Supervened Supervened Supervenes Supervening
4441 Supervise نگرانی کرنا Supervised Supervised Supervises Supervising
4442 Supplant چالاکی سے کسی کی جگہ لینا Supplanted Supplanted Supplants Supplanting
4443 Supplement بڑھانا Supplemented Supplemented Supplements Supplementing
4444 Supplicate رحم کی درخواست کرنا Supplicated Supplicated Supplicates Supplicating
4445 Supply بہم پہنچانا Supplied Supplied Supplies Supplying
4446 Support حمایت کرنا Supported Supported Supports Supporting
4447 Suppose فرض کرنا Supposed Supposed Supposes Supposing
4448 Suppress کچل دینا Suppressed Suppressed Suppresses Suppressing
4449 Suppurate زخم کا پکنا Suppurated Suppurated Suppurates Suppurating
4450 Surcharge زائدمطالبہ وصول کرنا Surcharged Surcharged Surcharges Surcharging
4451 Surface سطح پر لانا Surfaced Surfaced Surfaces Surfacing
4452 Surfeit کثرت سےاکتاجانا Surfeited Surfeited Surfeits Surfeiting
4453 Surge متلاطم ہونا Surged Surged Surges Surging
4454 Surmise قیاس آرائی کرنا Surmised Surmised Surmises Surmising
4455 Surmount غلبہ پانا Surmounted Surmounted Surmounts Surmounting
4456 Surpass سبقت لےجانا Surpassed Surpassed Surpasses Surpassing
4457 Surprise حیران کرنا Surprised Surprised Surprises Surprising
4458 Surrender ہتھیار ڈالنا Surrendered Surrendered Surrenders Surrendeing
4459 Surround محاصرہ کرنا Surrounded Surrounded Surrounds Surrounding
4460 Survey طائرانہ نظر ڈالنا Surveyed Surveyed Surveys Surveying
4461 Survive زندہ رہنا Survived Survived Survives Surviving
4462 Suspect شبہ ہونا Suspected Suspected Suspects Suspecting
4463 Suspend معطل کرنا Suspended Suspended Suspends Suspending
4464 Suspire ٹھنڈی سانسیں بھرنا Suspired Suspired /td> Suspires Suspiring
4465 Sustain سنبھالے رکھنا Sustained Sustained Sustains Sustaining
4466 Swaddle لپیٹنا Swaddled Swaddled Swaddles Swaddling
4467 Swagger رعب جمانا Swaggered Swaggered Swaggers Swaggering
4468 Swallow نگلنا/چُپ چاپ برداشت کرنا Swallowed Swallowed Swallows Swallowing
4469 Swamp بھرمار کرنا Swamped Swamped Swamps Swamping
4470 Swap ادلابدلی کرنا Swapped Swapped Swaps Swapping
4471 Swarm جھنڈمیں اڑنا Swarmed Swarmed Swarms Swarming
4472 Swash دھونس جمانا Swashed Swashed Swashes Swashing
4473 Swathe پٹی باندھنا Swathed Swathed Swathes Swathing
4474 Sway جھولنا/حکمرانی کرنا Swayed Swayed Sways Swaying
4475 Sweal جلنا Swealed Swealed Sweals Swealing
4476 Swear قسم کھانا Sweared Sweared Swears Swearing
4477 Sweat پسینہ آنا/سخت محنت کرنا Sweated Sweated Sweats Sweating
4478 Sweep جھاڑودینا/جیت لینا Swept Swept Sweeps Sweeping
4479 Sweeten میٹھا بنانا Sweetened Sweetened Sweetens Sweetening
4480 Swell سوجنا Swelled Swelled Swells Swelling
4481 Swelter گرمی سے تنگ آنا Sweltered Sweltered Swelters Sweltering
4482 Swerve منحرف ہونا Swerved Swerved Swerves Swerving
4483 Swill کھنگالنا Swilled Swilled Swills Swilling
4484 Swim تیرنا Swam Swum Swims Swiming
4485 Swindle ٹھگ لینا Swindled Swindled Swindles Swindling
4486 Swing جھلانا Swung Swung Swings Swinging
4487 Swinge اذیت پہچانا Swinged Swinged Swinges Swinging
4488 Swingle موگری سے کوٹنا Swingled Swingled Swingles Swingling
4489 Swink محنت مشقت کرنا Swinked Swinked Swinks Swinking
4490 Swirl چکرکھانا Swirled Swirled Swirls Swirling
4491 Swish بیدسےمارنا Swished Swished Swishes Swishing
4492 Switch بٹن دبانا/موضوع بدلنا Switched Switched Switches Switching
4493 Swivel موڑنا Swiveled Swiveled Swivels Swiveling
4494 Swoon غش کھانا Swooned Swooned Swoons Swooning
4495 Swoop جھپٹنا Swooped Swooped Swoops Swooping
4496 Swop بدلنا Swopped Swopped Swops Swopping
4497 Swot پڑھائی میں بہت جان مارنا Swotted Swotted Swots Swotting
4498 Symbolize علامت سےظاہر کرنا Symbolized Symbolized Symbolizes Symbolizing
4499 Sympathize اظہارہمدردی کرنا Sympathized Sympathized Sympathizes Sympathizing
4500 Synchronize ہم وقت ہونا Synchronized Synchronized Synchronizes Synchronizing
4501 Syncopate حذف کرنا Syncopated Syncopated Syncopates Syncopating
4502 Synthesize مرکب کرنا Synthesized Synthesized Synthesizes Synthesizing
4503 Syringe پچکاری سےدھونا Syringed Syringed Syringes Syringing
4504 Systematize منظم کرنا Systematized Systematized Systematizes Systematizing
4505 Systemize نظام بنانا Systemized Systemized Systemizes Systemizing