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Different Parts of an Essay

There are five main parts of an essay. Every essay has three basic parts introduction (the beginning), body (the middle) and the conclusion along with outlines (optional) and paragraphs (mandatory and sub part of body). To craft out a good essay one must keep in mind this basic structure. Sometimes in our classes at graduation level a fourth part of essay called outlines is also included on the top of these three basic elements which serves as a road map for writing this essay. Three or more than three paragraphs in the body are also a necessary fifth element of essay.

The introduction

To arrest the immediate attention of readers before they get exhausted writer should present a hook (a sentence might be a surpring question or fact or a bold statement to hook attention of reader) and then put his basic theme or thesis along with background knowledge on which he is going to write essay in first two or three lines. Introduction must be pithy and concise stating complete information about the theme. However for unfolding the theme of the essay there are two approaches i.e for literary essays and student essays. Literary essayist has the choice to treat his theme as he likes. He can start his essay with an epigram, a quotation, a verse, a phrase or story as his main objective is to catch reader's attention. On the other hand for the students it is mandatory to adhere traditional rules of essay writing. They are not to catch examiners' attention.

The middle or Body

Body is one of the most important parts of an essay which consists of paragraphs. Adequate knowledge or information about the theme is necessary to form an argument where a single paragraph presents a single argument. The wider and deeper information will be better to formulate paragraph. Reproduction (repeating the same facts in different words time and again) of thoughts and facts badly affect the health of paragraph. To keep oneself enriched with the uptodate knowledge, one should fly to the reading, as it is a key to the knowledge. Three or more than three paragraphs are necessary for body of an essay. Less than three paragraphs in body would impact the length. With one or two paragraphs essay will not descend upon its definition perfectly. After stating topic sentence in first two lines paragraph can be developed further by giving facts, examples, by narrating incidents, logical reasoning and by drawing comparisons.


A paragraph consists of a topic sentence (indicates the thesis), its supporting details and some valuable information about the theme of essay. After stating topic sentence in first two lines, paragraph can be developed further by giving facts, examples, logical reasoning, by narrating incidents, or by drawing comparisons. A paragraph with solid arguments, facts and figures will satisfy the readers or examiner and rank your essay in their eyes. In other words success or failure of an essay depends on compactness of paragraphs you developed in essay.

The conclusion

Conclusion or final part of the essay requires more attention than all the other parts and it must be constructed in such a way it must leave a lasting impression on the readers. Thesis, topic sentences and all the arguments from body or paragraphs get combined in conclusion. Conclusion cannot accede more than a paragraph, it should and must reflect thesis of the essay as a poor conclusion can spoil whole essay.


Outlines are roadmap for both readers and writer, for readers they provide whole essay at a glance and writer determines his path and order in which he is going to write his essay. Outlines are most important sub-topics going to be discussed throughout the whole essay. No outlines for literary essays are required at all and for college essays they are optional. Outlines are least important part of an essay without them essays are acceptable.